Thursday, November 5, 2009

Opposition Re-position?

It has always been a battleground. A cockfight. A war. War of words, of infomercials, of singing, of dancing, of monologues, and of celebrities that would circus around just to "market" the product. I mean, the candidate. This country-wide circus is popularly known as the election.

It is already November and the clamour for election advantage has begun. In fact one of the wars has already begun. The war of informercials. At this time, even if you only turn on your television late at night, it is fairly impossible that you won't see any politician waving, looking sad, handling this and that... Oh well, the circus has opened its doors.

Now that the election is just a few months away, the show has now gone funnier. For the past months, the Administration vs. Opposition war has been noisy. It has been a riot. And it has been a debate of never-ending. It is as if the members of each are mortal enemies. Some of their rebuttal has even become personal. The arguments just do not end. The fire between them has grown stronger and has forced them apart. The endless accusations, cases, and the rallies may it be peaceful or deadly. All of this are part of the political arena. It is like both parties are in some kind of grudge towards each other and that grudge won't be cease anymore.

That was before.

Since the election period is approaching, the wind has changed its course. A few weeks ago, I heard a news that one of the administration's greatest critic may be open to the possibility of teaming up with the Administration's bet on the 2010 elections. Although I haven't heard of any confirmations yet, I am still hoping that this will stay only as a rumor. I understand that this maybe because of his ambition but I think he is going too far from his "principle". The principle that he would always fight for before, as an Administration critic. He has always been at the side of the opposition. I even had a chance to listen to his speech when I was still in college. And although the topic is of non-politics, the speech has a part of it that talks about it. Through the course, as far as I can remember, his name is almost equal to opposition. Refusing to side with the Administration. Even if his reason is his ambition, and ambition is bigger than politics, I still believe that principle is way bigger than ambition. Where would your ambition take you if you cannot take a stand? How can you fulfill a very powerful responsibility if you would eventually forsake your principle inspite of the public's trust? I am not a member of the opposition but I admired him before for not being scared to tell the truth and to seek for it. I respect him for his gift of making speeches and statements that of great patriotism. And now, with this news, I feel betrayed. Betrayed that the man who I looked up to before for his principles, is now risking that trust that we gave him. I say we because I know that many people also admired him for his courage to expose the truth. To go against the most powerful person in the country. And he said it was because of his love for this country. I feel betrayed. And if this news finally materializes, then I would just accept that I was betrayed.


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