Thursday, July 30, 2009

MJ: Rest In Peace.. Or Not?

It has been weeks since the "King of Pop" left us and yet, its as if his life was being lived all over again. His stories never ended, his controversies never subsided. I have been watching "ET-HD" on cable almost every night because of their special coverage of Michael Jackson's life and controversies. Yes, I admit, I have been quite following on the developments about Michael Jackson. But, I can't help to think sometimes that the media has been quite abusive already. The first few days after MJ's death, news are roaring from everywhere. What, with the autopsy, the toxicology.. I can't imagine how people could disrespect a deceased that much. How, in the name of fame, of arrogance, could someone be persistent on wanting to know a private matter about a person. Is it because the person is famous? Is it because they wanted to be the first? Is it because they wanted to quench the thirst of knowing the secrets and mysteries behind a Michael Jackson?

I was shocked and disgusted when I heard about the news that a part of MJ's brain was left with the coroner for toxicology.. Also about the rumored missing body, which supposedly is inside the gold plated casket during the special tribute/wake.. About the drugs he is taking.. About his physician who allegedly is responsible of MJ's death.. Of his children who might not be his own.. Of the might-be secret child.. Of the rumor that MJ is gay.. that he has been secretly seeing a guy in a cheap motel somewhere.. Of his missing nose prosthetics.. and all sorts of things. I just don't understand why on earth would people report on that kind of things?

Is it because he is famous? Is that what he should pay out of being The Michael Jackson? I admit that I am watching these news on TV. Im guilty of being curious about his has been life. I can't resist watching these news whenever I see headlines bearing MJ's name on it. I bet these shows are earning much than those days that Michael Jackson is still alive. Maybe, this is also the reason why the media has been digging deeper and more deeper each time. Because, this is the opportunity that they have been wanting. To have things to talk about that has juicy details. The juicier, the better. The more controversial, the more money. The more delicate, the more audience. The more mysterious, the more patrons. And in cases of famous people, the worse, the best.

Really, what do you care if he has a dozen kids? What it is to you if he is gay? What does it matter if he has already been cremated the day of the special tribute? What do you care if his nose prosthetics is missing?

But of all those crazy things told about him, the most disgusting and painful would be that his brother Jermaine Jackson has been planning to tell on his brother's doings. If it is in any truth.. Of all people why should it be him? His own brother. His own flesh. Whatever happened to being a family? Whatever happened to sticking with each other? Whatever happened to love? If it is true, is it really the consequence of being a big star? Is it really how it is when you are already up there? That there is really no other way but to go down? Is it really the way it is that when you are being looked up to by million of people, those who are closest to you stab you and make people turn their backs on you?

I may come as a hypocrite, being someone who criticizes and yet also is an audience of the exact same thing I criticize, but...

These news just made me aware that people like Michael Jackson cannot really rest in peace...


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