Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I Only See Yellow...

I have been watching almost each and every TV program that has Cory Aquino death news on it. I have been sleeping very very late already since she passed away, watching the news on TV.
I was born in 1986 and obviously, I am still oblivious of the things around me. I did not experience the People Power, nor witnessed the installation of Cory as our President. I only learned about everything when I was in Elementary, when History teachers would teach it in class.
It was only when I was in college that I developed the habit of watching news on TV every night. It was also then that I realized that Cory was very much involved with what is happening in the Philippines. I have only seen her before during the EDSA 2. And I thought it was only then that she is asked to participate on such an important event (quite innocent of me at that time). But when I started to watch news every night, I learned that indeed she is still involved.
It was when the Impeachment hearing was on going when I saw Cory again. That time, I thought, what is all that fuss about Cory coming? Why do people shout as if the Savior has come? It was later that I realized why. You see, she is considered as the Democracy, the Truth. She is the only one who could really bring people together just like what she did in 1986. It was then that I realized that she is indeed, that powerful.
Philippine Politics has taken its own twists and turns. And over and over, Cory has been there.
When she passed away, it felt surreal. I am not a part of her family but I felt I was in denial. I don't even know why. Of all the special coverage of ABS-CBN all throughout, since Cory passed away, I did not let any of it pass. If any of it was shown during daytime, when I was in the office, I make sure that I watch the replay during the night on ANC. During the First interview with Kris on The Buzz last Sunday, I listened closely, picturing each scene she is describing in my mind. I got mad when she told about the attempted withdrawal of Cory's security aides. I cried when she told each stories. And cried some more during the Necrological Mass. I have been following the coverage since Saturday evening from the Special Edition of XXX till the Necrological Mass yesterday. I missed the beginning of the Necro Mass yesterday so I waited for the replay on ANC last night. I have been crying together with Kris, who I think cried the most during the Necro Mass. I have also been crying for an hour or so, listening to those stories of each people whom the Former President has been with.
Today, during the Requiem Mass, I have been crying again. Each segment has been very emotional, very personal. And it is with this that I felt almost exactly how the people felt. The long lines outside where the remains lay, whether it be in La Salle or in Manila Cathedral, made me realize how great Cory is. Who would queue in long lines, rain or shine, if not for someone special? And it is indeed proved that that woman lying in there is indeed special. People from all walks of life came to pay their respects. People from every part of the Philippines represented their townpeople that cannot come. They have been patient no matter how long the lines stretched, no matter how drenched they were.
What wondered me the most was I have noticed that everytime Cory's casket is brought outside, the rain would almost stop. I noticed it earlier when the casket was brought out of the Cathedral. It happened again at the Memorial Park, when the casket was opened again for the family. It did not rain even after the burial. Heaven really do love Cory.
Now that she is gone, I wonder, who would lead Change now? Who would lead prayer vigils? Even if I have not experienced anything with her personally, I would definitely miss her. I would miss her ever so gentle, yet powerful voice. I would miss images of her on TV and broadsheets, kneeling as she prays. I would miss seeing her holding a rosary in hand and praying. It is indeed a big loss to the Philippines. And like everybody else, I hope that whatever she has done and sacrificed for the Philippines would not be put to waste.


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