Saturday, November 13, 2010

Photoshopped Climate

I was with a friend last night while waiting for our jeepney ride home. We were talking about work and somehow, our talk went to the skills area. He asked me if I know how to use Adobe Photoshop and I said no. Yeah, in this digital age, I do not know how to use Photoshop. Sure, I know how to insert text to my blog pictures using the software, I know how to darken and lighten pictures, but that's about it. Other than that, nada. I don't know how to erase pimples, slash someone's body in half, use mouths-opened-wide dragons as my background and whatever more that is that you can do with Photoshop.

As I think about that conversation today, I asked myself why is it that even though we have Computer classes during college that I did not learn this software. Then I thought, oh yeah, because of the numerous class interruption, especially during the rainy season. Then I again asked myself, how come when I was in highschool, classes are seldom cut short or suspended? I was toying with a possible reason when suddenly it hit me. The rains before, were not as hard and as frequent then than during my college years. Out of nowhere, a thought suddenly crossed my mind. Climate Change. Yeah, I know it may sound overrated but when you come to think of it, it is not impossible. As time passes, so is the change in our climate. The climate change has started to make us be more aware of its presence. Remember Ondoy? And how Metro Manila was submerged into a very huge swimming pool? Where even celebrities and rich people did not manage to escape the mandatory appearance of a huge pool inside and outside their homes? That is a part of Climate Change. Have you ever experience leaving your place one very sunny and summer-y morning to go to the mall and hear slashing of raindrops against the glass doors of the mall come lunch time? Yeah, that's Climate Change.

So you see, climate change does not affect our social lives alone, it also affects our education and eventually our careers. I am not trying to impress people with this entry but I think I have something to share and ponder with the next time I come across an article or a conversation that involves Climate Change. And I hope you think about this too and analyze its impact to your life as well. If we know the effect/s of climate change in our lives, we will be convinced to avoid contributing to Climate Change.


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