Sunday, November 7, 2010


The President's ASEAN Summit in Vietnam has created a great buzz in the cyberworld and even with the knowledge that the cyberworld has already been purged with unceasing talks about the controversy, I just cannot stop myself from joining the bandwagon. Too much has already been said regarding the issue and I will do my best to refrain from citing too familiar comments.

First, I want to say that I am starting to feel remorse about voting the current President. I know and always say that the President is just starting to warm his Palace seat to expect perfection from him. But this time around, I think there are too much controversy surrounding this administration to ignore the truth. I won't go to the below-the-belt criticism for those are for the political immatures. But I, for one will use this particular incident to justify my "remorse".

When the Vietnam controversy broke out on the World Wide Web, I know that the immediate supervisor of Ms. Mislang (the antagonist in this story), told the public that he reprimanded her for her actions. But sir, may I just refresh your mind that when Mislang tweeted her dissatisfaction on the wine, you asked her which of the wines served "sucked". Meaning, you did not find this inappropriate and undiplomatic. I do not know if maybe after the flaming-hot banters on the internet prompted you to reprimand her or you just said that because of the negativity that it has created. And, may I just inform you that articles about this incident has been written in other parts of the world also, like in Finland. And that when the Vietnamese people did not say anything about the issue, it does not mean that they are not offended by the remarks. Remember, the remarks are negative and shameful. Answering Mislang's comments will only deepen the shame that they might be feeling right now.

What I cannot accept is that Mr. President himself did not make any "conciliatory" remarks just to ease up everything with the offended party. I don't mean to say that Mr. President should apologize or publicly shame Mislang, but he should at least release a statement to the Vietnam people to appease them.

Lastly, to Ms. Mislang, I do not know you personally, or in any other way before this controversy that you created. But as a normal citizen of this country, please be cautious of your actions because you along with all the Cabinet members of the Aquino administration, reflect the President himself. Your comments about the wine, the men and motorcycles of Vietnam would have only laughed at if you are just an ordinary Filipino visiting Vietnam. But when you are a part of the President's delegation in an official business in any part of the world, your remarks are whether it were sent to a social networking site or overheard from you when you are drunk, will always have an effect to the country you are talking about and our country as well. So next time, when traveling as part of the official delegation, no matter how the wine sucks, or how ugly the people were, nor how deadly the streets are, please refrain from shouting it out to the whole world. Just keep it to yourself and wait until you are safely out of "unnecessary listeners' " earshot, then you can start gossiping about it to your friends. Until then, please zip your mouth and just scratch the itch from your fingers to avoid another social networking mishap. The President already has too many problems to handle. He does not need any more problems to solve that are created by those whom he has too much confidence.


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